Deutsch lernen
Dienstag, 4. April 2017
Freitag, 31. März 2017
Donnerstag, 30. März 2017
Mittwoch, 29. März 2017
Mittwoch, 22. März 2017
Sonntag, 19. März 2017
German word
das Rätsel : puzzle, riddle (die Rätsel)
Du sprichst in Rätseln!
You speak in riddles!
treffen : to meet
Ich treffe sie nach der Schule im Café.
I am meeting her after school at the cafe.
Sonntag, 24. Juli 2016
verb Hoffen
German word: Hoffen
German example:
Ich hoffe, dass es dir gut geht.
English example:
I hope you are feeling well.
Samstag, 23. Juli 2016
Verb Sein und Verb Haben
متى نستخدم الفعل Sein ; و الفعل Haben في اللغة الألمانية

درس ملخص يشرح باللغة العربية متى نستخدم الفعل Sein ومتى نستخدم الفعل haben
في اللغة الألمانية مع أمثلة توضيحية
لتحميل الدرس اضغط هنا

درس ملخص يشرح باللغة العربية متى نستخدم الفعل Sein ومتى نستخدم الفعل haben
في اللغة الألمانية مع أمثلة توضيحية
لتحميل الدرس اضغط هنا
Mittwoch, 20. Juli 2016
unbestimmte Artikel:Indefinite Article
Indefinite Article in german: in this lesson you will learn the forms of the indefinite article in german. lesson in english. Ein, Eine
Indefinite articles Even though the German nouns can be masculine, feminine or neuter, there are only two forms of indefinite articles:
– Ein is the indefinite article for masculine and neuter nouns
ex: der Baum – ein Baum (a tree); der Garten – ein Garten (a garden); der Onkel – ein Onkel (an uncle)
das Haus – ein Haus (a house); das Boot – ein Boot (a boat); das Kind – ein Kind (a child)– Eine is the indefinite article for feminine nouns
ex: die Blume – eine Blume (a flower); die Suppe – eine Suppe (a soup); die Tante – eine Tante(an aunt) The plural indefinite article doesn’t exist in German:
ex: der Baum (s) – Bäume (trees)
die Blume (s) – Blumen (flowers)
das Kind (s) – Kinder (children
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Der bestimmte Artikel : the definite articles
articles: in this lesson you will learn The definite articles in german. In german there are three different genders for the article: masculine, feminine and neutral. lesson in english.
In English the only definite article is the, which is used for all nouns, singular and plural. On the contrary, in German nouns can be preceded by 4 different definite articles, according to gender – masculine, feminine or neuter – and number – singular or plural.
– The definite article for masculine singular nouns is der
– The definite article for feminine singular nouns is die
– The definite article for neuter singular nouns is das
– The only definite article for all plural nouns is die.
Ex: die Blume / die Blumen (the flowers); der Baum / die Bäume (the trees); das Kind / die Kinder (the children)
Generally speaking, a specific rule which allows to recognize the gender of a noun doesn’t exist. All you can do is memorize every new noun with its definite article. Nevertheless, there are some useful tips that help to guess nouns gender.
1) For example, it’s easy to assign the correct definite article to people’s common nouns.
Feminine Masculine
Die Mutter – The mother Der Vater – the father
Die Tochter – The daughter Der Sohn – the son
Die Oma – the grandmother Der Opa – the grandfather
Die Frau – the woman Der Mann – the man
*An exception is: das Mädchen – the girl, because in German the suffix -chen is generally used to form diminutives which are always neuter.
Der Mann – the man and das Männchen – the little man
2) The names of seasons, months and days are masculine
3) The points of the compass are masculine too:
Der Norden – the North
Der Süden – the South
Der Osten – the East
Der Westen – the West
4) Car brands are also masculine.
Ex: Der Mercedes, der Volkswagen
5) Numbers and plant names are instead feminine.
6) Letters, notes and units are neuter
N.B. In German not only proper nouns, but also common nouns start with a capital letter.
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